More Lessons from (treacherous) Mountains
Apparently 2014 is the year of “Make Meredith outdoorsy.” In general, I love this year’s theme. It is just in the middle of the outdoorsy parts that I sometimes despise it. So in line with this goal, my team and I recently took 11 of our students on an “easy hike” to Blue Lake. I should have known that even on an easy hike Seth (my teammate) would find a way to make it more adventurous. It is an awesome (and terrifying) ability that he has. So after crawling under barbed wire, realizing we were going the wrong way, and climbing back through the barbed wire, we came upon an expanse of sharp rocks and this became our path. wooohoooo... (Insert cranky out-of-shape Meredith noises here). As all of my Apache students and teammates bounded across the rocks like they were spider monkeys, I. . .did not. I struggled rock-by-rock, wanting to smack the person that chose that path. “I’m just not actually very athletic. I don’t climb rocks,” I exclaimed to t...