Facebook Blues
Facebook. The bane of my productivity. The key to communication with friends all over the world. I love it. I hate it. Recently I have been realizing how me-centered facebook is. The whole thing is me focusing on me. We put up pictures we think we look good in, we write witty posts so people will think we are funny, we do everything to preserve a certain image we want people to see and recognize as us. I don't think that this is good for the life of a Christian at all. Yes, we can use social media as an evangelistic tool if we like, but really social media just makes us more self-centered. God desires us to be Him-centered, so why are we wasting so much time de-tagging ourselves because we don't look good in the picture so-and-so posted? This thought challenges me to stop using things like Facebook to live a life focused on myself and not on my Creator. How I will fix it I don't know, but I don't want to buy into our culture's idea that I, as the individua...