Oh Resolutions.

Ahh a new year. The joy of a fresh start. I have a feeling, a feeling deep in my soul, that this is going to be a good year. In fact, I have been pondering new year's resolutions, as is tradition, and many have come and gone through my mind. Here are a few to sample:

1. Drink more water.

2. Get married.

3. Meet a handsome stranger.

4. Practice my violin

I would say about half of those are good resolutions. You can decide which ones I am actually going to follow through with.

But seriously, as I thought through all these things I want to do better next year, I realize that I really just wanted to be a better follower of Jesus. I don't want to be focused on the earthly, but the eternal. I want to wake up each morning and end each evening reading His Word and in prayer. I want to be burdened to the point of exhaustion with the problems of this world, so that I cannot stop praying for redemption and restoration. I want to truly believe that my part in the bigger picture right now is my words and my prayers.  For should I not be proclaiming Him daily? As much as I love to pretend being in seminary makes me more spiritual, I have a long way to go, we all do.

So I am going to give up on my resolution to meet a handsome stranger, no I want to keep that one, I will just add an all-encompassing resolution to this year. I resolve to have enough compassion for my friends, family and the world that I will be led to pray for them, and pray for them fervently. 


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  2. ...well just to be safe...i do think you should do number 3 before number 2...that always seems to work best in that particular situation...however...you are wise to just skip over the numbered list and concentrate on the paragraph following it...we would all do well to follow that thought...to wake up each morning...and go to sleep each night with His word on our hearts and in our prayers...for certain that is the resolution that leads to all good things...for us...for the world...don't worry too much about pretending to be more spiritual sitting in seminary...i have the feeling that the professors are thinking the same thing about themselves... and i am pretty sure most of us are thinking that very thing each sunday morning sitting in church(or rocking babies in the nursery)...we are indeed all a work in progress...only the real Creator has it all together...and aren't we glad...i love you elaine/ccww


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