Something Bigger
I leave for India in less than 48 hours. As it gets closer I have had a lot to think about. Tonight as I was driving home from seeing a very sweet friend of mine this beautiful lightening storm enriched the sky. There was no rain, I didn't hear thunder, I just saw this vibrant masterpiece of a lightening storm flashing across the sky. It really made me think, this isn't about me, is it? None of it is. I have spent weeks thinking what if I get sick? What if the food doesn't agree with me? What if I don't get enough sleep? And today it hit me that I was going about this all wrong. It is not about how I will feel on this trip, what matters is how the Kingdom of God will be impacted. What matters is that we take every moment to share the news of Jesus Christ with everyone we meet. This trip is about encouraging the persecuted church in India, bringing hope to women in churches on the other side of the world, and bringing the joy of Jesus Christ to children so that they in ...