Life's Mission Statement

In one of my leadership classes in college we were given the assignment to make a mission statement for our lives (I think it was from the book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People). This statement would reflect what we live for and give us goals for who we want to be. I really liked this idea because we use mission statements for our organizations, our jobs, and many other professional endeavors, but I had never thought to make a statement declaring what I stand for and the kind of person I want to be. It really made me think about what I want to stand for.

Here is my life mission statement:

"I will be a woman who has strong moral character, who has patience even when patience is tried, who has joy in all circumstances, and who shows compassion to all people. I will strive to serve others in everything I do. For my friends, my family, those I know, and those I do not, I will live my life to better the world around me. I will not sit complacently in my life of wealth while others have nothing. I will strive to be a friend who listens, a sister who encourages, a daughter who loves, and above all a passionate follower of the Lord. Every action will be defined by the love of my Savior. I will have grace, compassion, and mercy on every person because I have been covered by the love of Jesus Christ who had grace, compassion, and mercy for me."

Cool huh? I want to challenge you to take five minutes and write your own mission statement. You will be surprised as to how much it makes you think about what is important in your life and what defines your actions. Post your statements as comments if you would like- I would love to read them!

Update on India: God has been faithful in bringing in the financial support for my trip. Keep praying for the last bit to come in as the month goes on (if you don't mind). Thanks for all of your prayers and support! Your encouragement means more to me than you know!


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