Rejoicing in His Goodness

There are some times in life when there is no other thing to do but sit back and rejoice in the blessings given by the Lord. It is this incredible feeling to realize that I deserve nothing, yet I have everything. I have failed, I still fail, and I disappoint the Lord I am sure, yet He still chooses to bless me and make me feel how truly loved I am. His love is incomprehensible to me, for we surely do not love this way! My love is so fickle so much of the time! Yet God loves me and you without asking questions, it is unconditional.

So here are just some of the great things the Lord is doing in my life:

1. In just around a month the Lord has been faithful in raising $2,050 for my trip to India. In a month! Through family, churches, strangers and friends, the funds have been coming in- in amazing ways! I am so thankful for all of the people who are putting their faith in me and this mission. To know that they believe in what I say and do is an incredible feeling and I am so so blessed to have their support. I still have around $1,000 to raise before August 2nd but I have no doubt that this amount and more will be provided. Praise the Lord!

2. This week I have gotten to spend a lot of time with my brother (who hopefully won't read this because he will find it cheesy and stupid!). It has been such a great blessing because when I move to California in the Fall, I won't get to see him very often. I have been blessed with an amazing family and I will spend hours telling anyone who will listen how great my brother is. This week has been so fun, just getting to go grocery shopping, attempting to make dinner, watching crappy tv, and laughing about silly things. I have really felt thankful that the Lord gave me this week to spend with him and I know I will really miss these times when I am so far away. As hard as it will be to move across the country I feel like it is a blessing to feel torn, because it means that I have something special enough to be sad about leaving. I have been given a great family, and I am not always nice to them or considerate, yet they love me and are willing to deal with my crazy self and for that I am so so blessed.

A lot of times we get caught up in everyday life and the many to do lists that we have around our homes. We get stressed, worried, and frustrated about everything. But it is times like tonight that make all the difference. Take time to just sit back and look at all the things we are blessed with, that we don't deserve, and to be so so thankful for a God who is willing to not only put up with us, but to provide such great things in our lives.

I am thankful, so so thankful, for my God, and I am so thankful for the way He provides and the ways that He shows how much He loves us. We are all so blessed, aren't we?


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