The Home Stretch

Hellooooooo out there! Shout out to my Christ's Church family: Today I went to a Christ's Church here in India! It reminded me of how thankful I am for all of you and how grateful I am for your continued prayers.

Yesterday and today were my last programs here in India (woohoo!). They were both for kids and yesterday's went really well and today's was just fine. I love that in all of the programs the group of kids have been different. The first group was really into the lesson and very responsive, the second was a very young crowd, the third was very quiet but really good at games, and the fourth group were totally not into it. Each session I had between 30-50 kids. I taught on Creation and how God made each child special. I had a couple funny moments throughout these sessions. I did an activity where the kids trace their hand and in each finger write a different thing to show how they are all similiar but not exactly the same. It was a lesson in being thankful for how God made you. In the first session when we asked the kids to write the name of someone they love one little boy said out loud, "Well if I knew the name of the girl I was going to marry I would write her!" haha, and then my other favorite was yesterday. I leaned over to look at the paper of the kid sitting in the front row, and where he was supposed to write something he was really good at he wrote Drowning. I laughed so hard I couldn't stop. But all in all the programs were great fun and a real blessing. Kids are the same in all countries and I enjoyed getting to spend some time with them.

If anyone reads this and thinks, man, I would love to go to India and do some childrens programs then don't hesitate! All the churches expressed a desire for more Americans to come and do programs in their churches. It would be a great opportunity for you and would truly enrich the lives of these kids.

Tomorrow I go up to see the mountains and then I will do some shopping here in Kottayam (pronounced Kotim). Then its just one more day and I am heading into Delhi for two days and coming HOME! I can't wait. I will try to update one more time before I leave, but if I can't then look forward to a great post next Friday.

Keep praying for me as I travel this week. I need safety, good health, and many traveling mercies. See you all SOON!


  1. ...drowning...if we are honest...we are all pretty good at drowning...i think perhaps your trip had been about throwing out life preservers...and encouraging people to grab on to Jesus...the only anchor that will not are a wonder to behold meredith carpenter...i love you...elainewilson/ccww


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