Finding my Apache Roots: Part 1

Guys. What a weekend. Seriously. I don't think I can imagine it being any better and lovelier than it was. Ok, well, actually the first part could have been better. Perhaps my readers were not flexing their prayer muscles quite yet because the first four things that happened were as follows:

1. My plane was delayed 2 hours. (Not fun. But I did get hit on by an attractive guy which was, in fact, kind of fun and a total ego boost.)
2. I hardcore slipped in the shower.
3. I broke my friend's car she let me borrow. First thing. Just sat down, pulled the seat lever, and tore it right off. Who knew I had such strength!?
4. I had to listen to the Luke Bryan cd on repeat for two hours b/c there were no radio stations. Bad. So so bad.

So the beginning was rocky. But it got so much better.

The first stop was the rez where I got to hang out with the kids at The Kennel after school and then go to The Rising (the youth group meeting thing) that night. I was thoroughly satisfied with the excited reactions from the students when they saw me, and even more excited when I got to meet one of my student's new baby. Phe-nomenal.

Then came a morning of Duck Dynasty watching with my Apache sister. I found my niche guys. Everyone at Apache Youth Ministries is as obsessed with the show as I am. It was lovely. But I did make the sad discovery that I am in fact, a yuppie. When you only pack skinny jeans and a pair of "cute boots" to go to a retreat in the wooded mountains, you can't really pretend you are country. Oops. (Although later I did try to prove my country side by getting some mud on my boots. It was a small step in the right direction.)

And then came the retreat. It was so awesome. It was also so freezing. When I got there I wore two coats, gloves, and a hat. I later realized that was a little crazy, so in an effort to be cooler I ditched one of the coats.  But seriously, the retreat was a great time to be with my students from last summer. With bonfires, manhunt, mud obstacle courses, and a boatload of encouragement from my students and the AYM team I left the weekend exhausted but filled up. Being back with my students was such a joy, and having the chance to have intentional conversations with them was truly a blessing. I was so impressed with my students who have become student leaders, and I was encouraged by the willingness of my girls to listen to me and talk to me about their lives and struggles. I laughed so much and loved every minute of my time at the retreat (well, except for the minute at 3:30am when some of the girls decided to shower with loud music. That moment was not so exciting).

There is so much more to tell from the weekend at the rez, and my heart and soul are so full. God worked greatly in my life this weekend and I am so excited about the days that may lie ahead. Tune in Friday for Part 2 of my Apache adventure! 


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