Let's take a jab at this support-raising thing

If you are new here....welcome! I'm glad you came. Grab a good cup of tea and settle in, this is going to be quite the adventure.

So! I've been home for a week. I spent the first two days in the same clothes watching hours of Masterpiece Theatre on my parent's couch. It was glorious. Then I realized that I had things to do so I took a much-needed shower and got down to business. Because what time is it?? It's support raising time.

If you haven't had the experience of raising full-time support I can assure you that it is both exciting...and not...because it is actually really hard. It is first, exciting because I am being really blessed and challenged by the whole experience. It is second, hard because....well....it's really hard.

It is hard because I have to ask people to commit to giving me monthly donations of money. I don't like asking for much, and I really don't like asking for money. I think it is because I feel bad, but as my friend has so nicely challenged me, this is not a good perspective to have.

It is not a good perspective because in order to do the ministry God has called me to do I am required to ask other people to commit to supporting me financially. It is second, not good, because it hinders me from accepting the fact that I have to be dependent on others. I have to put myself out there and I have to be vulnerable. I have to ask others to walk with me on this journey, being honest that I need you in order to live...literally!

So far my ministry with the Apache has been a journey alllll about learning the art of dependency, and it sucks (to be honest). But it is also beautiful! Because so far this whole journey has been about leading me back to humility. I cannot do my job without the help of others. I cannot even go to my place of ministry until people rally to get me there. I am a dependent being, and I have to accept the beauty of that.

So here we go. Let's do this. Here I am, saying I need you. Here I am, on behalf of all the girls on the Apache reservation that need someone to believe in them saying that we need you. We need you to believe in the work that God wants to do in these girls. We need you to believe that you are an important part of changing their lives, that you can be a part of giving them a chance to succeed, to believe in the beautiful daughters of Christ that they are.

What I need, right now, is monthly commitments. Just $25 a month will make a huge difference, and that is less than $1 a day! Choose to support these girls and their future. Choose to believe that God can work through you and work through me! 

The key information is sending checks (memo line AYM) and commitments to:
Christ's Church at Whitewater
1577 Hwy 85 S
Fayetteville, GA 30215

It is tax deductible, and stamps are still pretty cheap. It will give you a chance to know your mailman a little better. And make sure to send me a paper with your name, address, commitment, and email, so that I can be in touch with you. I want to let you know how God is working through us as a people, as a family. I believe that God is going to be faithful in raising this money, and I believe that He is going to do it by my go month, which is September.

Will you join me? Will you believe in this mission? Feel free to revisit the FAQ for more information, and email me if you want to chat. I believe that God can change the lives of Apache girls not through me but through us. Do you believe it too?


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