Can this really be happening???

I'm so sorry! It's been over a week without a post. I can't believe I haven't updated you all in so long! Goodness me. Well let me say, things be getting crazy. More details will come when I figure a few things out (when God does CRAZY things with fundraising I tend to want to check and double check to make sure I am seeing things right!) but let me just tell you, I am...speechless really. I am blown away. I am slightly freaking out (in a good way!) because I could not have ever imagined how much people would get behind this ministry. I am a Moses, lacking in the self-confidence, and a Abraham, making mistakes along the way, but you all are the power of God moving me along, showing me that this is BIG and that God has plans for the Apache people. I am blown. away. Eyes wide, no sound coming out of my mouth, just trying to grasp the greatness of our God and His people.

Seriously, this is basically the best thing that has ever happened to me.

So here is a slight recap of the last week, fundraising-wise (I will attempt to make it more interesting than accounting issues typically are). Oh, I also did go to Samford with my parents to see my brother's new house. That was fun and definitely worth mentioning.

So. This past week began with a lull of sorts. I was relatively stuck at a percentage just kind of hoping for the last bit to come in (I think a week ago I was needing $1000 in order to go at 80%). It was all quiet on the Western (or South Eastern) front. But of course, when things start to quiet down, God decides its a good time to jump out and yell "Surprise!!"

It looked a little like this:

Monday night I was blessed to be encouraged by the fellowship and generosity of a family that is very dear to me, which pushed me up more than I could have expected in the get-Meredith-to-Arizona polls (that's not a real thing...)

Then on Sunday 2 more individual commitments came in, and I got the opportunity to be at 2 amazing churches. The first was Tri-Cities Church in Atlanta, where my pastor from college now serves. I was so excited to be back with the couple that has been so formative in directing my life and my faith, and the worship had great soul and rhythm so it was such a joyful morning.

Next I got to spend the evening out in the country (the best of the city and country all in one day!) where I spoke at my friend Evin's church. They were a picture of kindness, grace, and generosity. They gave me hope and encouragement that a little church in small-town Georgia would be praying for me and thinking of me, and it was such a blessing to be a part of their service and share my heart (of course I cried talking about my kids....why do I get so emotional these days??). And I was of course blessed to spend time with sweet and encouraging Evin!

Sunday was a long day but a glorious day. It was a privilege to get to worship with different parts of the Body and be a part of His work around the state of Georgia. And it pumped me up leaving just $925/month to raise to be at 100%.

And things keep on moving and getting better. I'll save the rest of the good news for tomorrow because it is getting late as I write this, but let's just say this:

I get excited at pretty much anything, and this is the 3rd time in my support raising that I have been stunned silly by generosity and faith in my mission and my vision. I really cannot even contain it all. So yea, I will leave with that. Oh, and this: You might want to get on your dancin' shoes, because things are going to start moving fast!!! 


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