Here is to a New Beginning!

To my dearest readers and followers,

I owe you an update. Though you may have better things to do than worry about my luggage and my old lady mouth, I think you deserve to know where everything stands (I love to sound dramatic).

1. My luggage is officially gone. "Gone like a freight train!" as my mother would say. It is unfortunate and sad, but really, life could be worse. So other than my new debilitating fear of losing things, its all good (except for the Delta employee that is going to get an earful from me when we discuss compensation).

2. My mouth is getting better. I still can't express all the emotions in the happy spectrum, but my new gums are fitting in fine and I have dreams of one day being able to crunch down on a cookie or an apple without abandon. So hurray for that!

In conclusion, life, my friends, is good.

Sure, I could sit here and complain and wail about this unjust world and the ridiculous airline industry (believe me, I have a rant that could put you to sleep), but today is December 31st and tomorrow starts a new year. And maybe I say this every year, but I have a feeling that this next year is going to be a really good one, full of adventure and new experiences. So with that said, I am holding tightly to the strings of happy memories from 2013 and flying with the wind into 2014, leaving everything else in the dust. This next year is going to be one of great stories and happy successes, so I gladly leave 2013 behind to start anew.

It feels good to be free of baggage (pun seriously intended here).

Love your loyal blogger,


*Highlights of 2013 you ask?

-My brother spending a week with me in L.A.
-Graduating with my Masters degree!
-Traveling up the West Coast to San Francisco with my good friend Ashley
-Gaining wonderful support for my work with Apache Youth Ministries
-Beginning work with Apache Youth Ministries
-Knowing all you good folks.

Cheers :) 


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