Small Reminders of Grace

To be woken up at 4am with a phone call, a worried student, and a dilemma. 
To respond to mistakes without the expected anger or judgement. 
Knowing that it is ok to struggle in our walk towards God and that no matter what, you are not alone. 

This weekend has been full of interactions of grace. Though the days were not easy or simple, the presence of God was real and tangible. It was in the words that came out of our mouths, the expressions on our faces, and the love that came through our actions. None of it was our own. None of it was our ability, of which we could boast. All of it was of the Lord, so that we could boast in Him. These moments of grace meant that His compassion could be made known, even at four in the morning. 

One of the worst heartbreaks in this job is hearing students doubt their own worth. It will bring out the deepest sense of nurturing in a person, when a teenager speaks the quiet "no" when asked if they believe their life is worth anything, or if it would matter if they died. It is the saddest of moments to see the depth of their despair, wrapped up in the idea that they are neither important or necessary in this world. 

But what a moment of grace. What a beautiful moment of truth and light to get to tell them otherwise. It is one of the best moments in the world to get to tell them about the depth of love that is in Jesus Christ, to tell them that someone loves them enough to die in their place so that they may have life, and life to the fullest. 

It is a beautiful thing when we can take a moment of despair and turn it into a moment of life. 


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