Prayers for a Little One

About a week ago I was sitting in a hospital holding a baby that had been born less than 24 hours before. He was tiny and perfect with a head full of hair, enough to make into a baby mohawk as we sat together. He was so innocent and untouched by the world. I loved him from the moment I held him.

He was the baby of one of my students and I had come to visit them. She is only 15 and we ended up spending 24 of those first 48 hours of the baby's life together. Together we tried to figure out his needs, his sleep, and how to get her rest through those midnight hours. We were in this together and I wasn't going to leave her alone.

When he was a little over 24 hours old I took him out of the bassinet and held him close. My student was finally asleep and as I looked at his little face I began to pray. I prayed for his life and his future, that God would raise him up to be a good man, one who served Him and treated others well. I prayed into his little self that he would be a great and responsible man, despite any of the circumstances that would surround him in the years to come. I prayed in those first moments of his life hoping that the prayers would envelop him, that they would become the words that formed his life and that God would honor the requests for his protection.

It felt so important to cover his little self in prayers and love, to have those words seep into his heart. 

I've still been checking up on baby and mom as the days have passed since then. And each time I hold him I whisper tiny prayers into his ear as I kiss his baby face. And every time I think that I most certainly have the best job in the whole entire world.

I am so grateful that I can walk with students through these things. I am so thankful for God's provision and for the way He has honored the prayers spoken over my own life. He consistently proves Himself to be faithful and I know He will be faithful to these young ones.

God is so good. Even in the moments that are tough, God is so very very good. 


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