The Source of My Strength is You

When I read a book, I never skip the “Acknowledgements” section at the end. 

I read it word for word as the author pours out their gratitude to a bunch of people that I don’t know and to names that I do not recognize. I imagine, as I read, each person seeing their name on that page and swelling with pride that the author put them in the back of the book. I picture them smiling at their name in print, amazed that the author would take the time to thank them for their contribution to the art that is in their hands. I don’t read this section because I feel obliged to (like I feel obliged to stay to the end of the credits at the movies. Those people worked hard and I feel bad leaving before their names cross the screen!). I read this section because I genuinely love it

I love the effort that the author takes to recognize that the journey of writing was not done alone. I love the feeling of support and care and community that the “Acknowledgements” page gives. It is as if I am getting a glimpse into the world of the author and I cherish that.

It is weird, I know, but I think acknowledgements are a precious part of any story. 

Whenever people comment on my strength in times of trial I have two answers for them. One answer is that I serve a good God who has been faithful even in my darkest moments. God and I have been on a journey and I have not always been pleased with or very close to Him. 

But when it mattered, when shit really got real, He plucked me from the depths and He saved me. For that, I will always be thankful and I will always draw strength from the knowledge that the God of the universe will not let me perish.

The second thing that I always say (and honestly I usually say it before the first) is that I have been gifted a very amazing support system. For others, their support system may just be a few people. For me, that literally means a community that spans the globe, generations, and varying degrees of truly knowing one another. Even under sedation (which I honestly don’t understand how I talk MORE when people try to sedate me) I am quick to recognize the impact of my community on who I am and how I am able to handle trials.

Funny thing is, I sometimes feel guilty about how much you all have cared for and encouraged me. The other day I was walking away from my mailbox thinking that I really was fine and perhaps I shouldn’t be accepting all of these letters and donations and kind words when I was a relatively healthy woman with a job. And then I was struck with the truth- that the reason I feel so strong, so decently well-adjusted, and so ok is because of the encouragement that you all have bestowed upon me. I feel like a bad-ass because you all never cease to tell me that I am capable, strong, beautiful, and loved. It is because of my community that I feel fine. And that is major.

That is major, ya’ll! I am not sure that each and every one of you understand how important and transformative you have been to my journey. I am alive and well because my God is good, and my God is good because He gave me each of you. Each text, comment, read of the blog, letter, and gift reminds me that God is here and He is love and He is good.

I am strong because you all make me strong. And I could write a whole book of acknowledgements, because it is to each and every one of you that I owe my joy, my resilience, and my strength.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart to the tips of my soul. 
Thank you for loving me well, for giving of your time and money, for licking envelopes and searching the drawers for a stamp to send me a letter. 
Thank you for encouragement, your questions, for reading this blog and sharing it with your friends. 

Sometimes I get overwhelmed by your support, but man, isn’t that a beautiful problem to have?


  1. You have an amazing support system that spans the globe because you are an amazing person whose influence spans the globe! You have to be a good friend to have a good friend- and you have many!
    Love you 💕


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