A Wish Fulfilled in Emma

The moment Emma was born, the sun began to shine. She was brought into the world during a rainstorm, a precious gift, and when her first cries rang out, the skies cleared (true story). It took a while after they handed her to me to cognitively come to terms with being the mother of this human being that came from my body. I’ve wanted to be a mom for my whole life and with one last push, there was a baby now mine. Wild.

 Each day I fall more in love with her. Each day becomes a little easier, a little more secure. Each day I view as a precious gift, for I wanted this life for so long and now I have it. I never, for a moment, want to take that for granted. 

It might sound weird, but I am acutely aware of my own mortality. It’s not morbid or obsessive, it’s just a product of being a cancer survivor at 33. I know that my old age is not guaranteed. I know my daughter’s old age is not guaranteed. 

But I hope every single day that I will be at her high school graduation. I hope that I get to see her graduate college, get married, and that one day I will be a grey-haired woman with well-earned wrinkles rocking her babies to sleep. 

Knowing that a future is not promised makes me value each second, even the hard ones. I hold her tightly in the midnight feedings. I kiss her minuscule feet and try to memorize her tiny fingernails. I tell her again and again how much I love her and will strive to keep her safe, even though at four weeks old, those words mean little to her. I cherish each day that we get together, knowing that each one is a gift I did not earn and one I will end each day thanking God for. 

There were many days I hoped for this tiny human. There were many days I cried thinking she would never come and prayed that God would let me be a mom. And now it’s here. Perfect in its imperfections. Completely fulfilling, even in the tedium. A tiny miracle in the midst of the bigger miracle that is my life of beauty after pain.


  1. Crying happy tears for you!! Two beautiful humans.

  2. Perfect. That’s all.

  3. Two beautiful girls together at last.


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