Milestones at a Pumpkin Patch

I have to tell you that our little farm town has one of the best pumpkin patches in the country. Run by some friends of ours, it is a treasure trove of joy and fun. For me and Jeff, it has been a stalwart location in our lives each year. 

The first year I went to the local pumpkin patch, Jeff proposed in the corn maze. I was just a month out of active cancer treatment. Just one month from walking into a room full of cancer patients to have a needle stuck into a port on my chest as medicine flowed through my veins to try and cure an aggressive cancer. I thought, at the time, that I was handling it well. Looking back at the videos we took that day, I can now see how worn out I was, how weary, how fragile. You can almost see the pain bubbling right below the surface as I try to be carefree. I look exhausted, yet obviously relieved to have Jeff as my person. On the surface I was smiling and excited, but I can now see an unsteadiness I hadn’t realized was there at the time. Cancer treatment had taken a great toll on my mental and emotional health. 

The next time I went to the pumpkin patch, I went as an employee! How fun a job it was. I drove the grain train and watched as families took pictures and enjoyed a fun outing in a small town. But every time I saw a family take a picture with their little baby, I would fight back tears. We were just a few months into trying to have our own child and I was scared and sad that we still had no guarentee that I would have a baby of my own. The pumpkin patch that year was bittersweet. I was so sad, so hopeful, so desiring of my own baby. 

This year, three years after our engagement, we went to the pumpkin patch with our daughter Emma. I was so excited to take her. As I sat at a picture-taking spot with my baby, I remembered how last year I had cried watching other moms do the exact same thing. This year, I cried again, but with deep gratitude and appreciation for how much changes in a year. I didn't know it would hit me so hard, holding my baby next to a bunch of pumpkins, but in that moment I realized that all my dreams had come true. 

Walking through the corn maze I asked Jeff if he could have ever imagined when he proposed that we would be walking in the same place with our daughter just three years later. It was a future we had only dared to hope for. It was a future that was now our reality. 

As I look back, I am in awe of the healing that has happened since marrying Jeff. Sure, a farm in the middle of nowhere isn’t for everyone, but it was just what the good Lord ordered for me. The rest and rejuvenation in a home full of love, compassion, care, and kindness has done a wonder for me. I feel steady on my feet, able to hold the good and the bad, confident that God is still good. I not only have the kindest husband in the world, but we have a daughter who is as sweet-tempered as her father. Everything is not perfect, but as I look forward I know that this farm has been a saving grace for me. I know that God saw the toll life had taken on me and He knew just what I needed. And I know that I will always love this little pumpkin patch and all that it has meant to my family. 

To Jeff, I have to give my greatest gratitude. He loved me when I was hurting and exhausted. He saw my strength when it was almost gone. He believed in my goodness despite the anger I still carried. He gave me a chance when no one in their right mind should have even said yes to a first date. He has continued to love me and give me grace every single day of our marriage. I don’t know where I would be without you, Jeff. Thank you for never giving up on me.


  1. Beautiful. God is so good. Definitely brought tears. So glad you and Jeff found each other by God’s grace and that he has blessed your lives with your precious miracle baby Emma 💜


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