Dear Georgia,

My Dearest Georgia,

Five years ago I would have never believed that I would say what I am about to say, but, I miss you. You have really nice nature as well as nice weather. I like your Fall colors, and even the amount of camouflage people wear. I like the Southern drawl and the deer, and I like the people that shoot the deer. People might think it is strange to shoot squirrels in your backyard, but we know it is for the greater peace. You also have Christ's Church. I like their wonderful community, and the preacher isn't half bad. I'm looking forward to spending Christmas with you. Maybe it will snow? Ok, probably not, but just being home will be nice. Do you hear that Georgia? I called you home. Now that is something to celebrate.

Your friend,


  1. ...i have been thinking about you all morning (and you thought that because i have been quiet that i had forgotten such luck)...i read something that made me think of you and your obedience to take the road the Lord has put you on..."God's story for for was written with you in mind to advance the glory of His name"...that was written by a young mother on a blog called "flower patch farm girl"...she you...a precious obedient child of the Lord...who is on a new...and a bit scary...road...we Christ Church people...are loving you and praying for you...and cheering you between shooting those squirrels and deer...and one minute loving the leaves as they turn...and silently cursing them as they fall (knowing we are the ones who will have to rake them up)...we will try to pray you up some snow at christams time...but snow or no snow...your family and friends and church will be here to hug on you...feed you toasted pound cake...and say i love you in that southern drawl we cannot quite seem to get rid of...thank you...for being there for us to His glory...don't are indeed still "precious in His sight"...and our hearts...i love you elaine/ccww

  2. Ms. Elaine thank you so much for your comment! I have missed your sweet words. :) I look forward to the hugs and pound cake!


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