Worship in a dry and weary land

Last night I was exhausted (as seems to be the trend here). In all senses of the word I was burnt out. Physically, mentally, and emotionally I was spent. It was just the end of week 1 but I was already feeling the effects of living in a place of such suffering and spiritual warfare. It was in the midst of my half-closed eyelids that the Maryland team here decided to do some worship music together. To be honest, I did not want to go. I may have actually groaned out loud and dragged my feet obnoxiously because come on! I wanted to sleep not sing!

But at that moment the music started and I realized how much my soul had been thirsting for this. The words of these well-known songs meant so much more than they ever had before. The words were my prayers and they held such significance as I begged for these truths to be fulfilled in this place. As my body thirsts for more water than I have ever had to drink in my life in this Arizona sun so my soul was thirsting for the everlasting water, to worship my Creator. I needed to praise God, to feel His arms around me. I started to feel unburdened and less tired and I realized that worship is more necessary when we are tired and spent. We have to worship in the midst of all this or we will not survive. We must praise when we are exhausted for He is the one who will hold us up. As water keeps me alive physically so will worship keep me alive spiritually. In this dry and desert land God must be praised. For though this place is dry it is lost, for as God brings rain to the desert so will He bring life to my soul and to this place.

My heart will cry no other name, Jesus, Jesus. 


  1. It's amazing how you have captured the essence of what we have been living for the last few days. I agree so much and tonight for me I just listened instead of singing. Listened during worship to the songs of praise which is something I don't think I have ever done. It was beautiful!

  2. Meredith, thanks so much for your transparency and honesty. You show so much heart and raw emotion in your words, and in turn you make those who read ache for the children you've described and convict all of us to pray for them. I love you so much, Mere. My pray is for the children and the reservation, but also for you..that you may find joy and peace by serving others in Christ, which I know you're already finding :) As well as endurance...it cannot be easy to be in that environment and not feel like wanting to help everyone and be everything to them. You're an incredible woman of God...praise Him for you and your willingness to open your heart to Him! Keep writing, my dear friend. I finally have reliable Internet so I will be reading more. I love you!

  3. ...i am praying for you...all day long...i love you...elaine/ccww


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