Rez Day 1

I am exhausted. What a long day it has been. I drove all morning through the wild wild west and arrived on the reservation about noon. I jumped right in, met the short-term mission group that is currently here, and headed to VBS. The kids were adorable although a little chaotic! Then it was an afternoon of hanging out with a few of the girls from the youth center, eating dinner, learning about the rez from the girls, and watching (NOT playing!) basketball. Basketball is a huge thing here so I have to figure out some tactics to get out of it. The kids don't believe me when I tell them how bad I am.

At any rate, tomorrow it all starts again. Some things on the list of what to do while on the rez are: eat a pickle covered in kool-aid powder (?), eat or make fry bread, attend a rodeo, and ride in the back of a pick-up truck. That last one was already accomplished today. I felt quite the rez-girl riding in the back of the truck with the kids, although I am sure those driving by did not mistake this white-girl for Apache.

The girls also taught me a few Native American words today that I can't remember but when I ask again I will share them with you. They taught me how to know if someone is talking about me and how to tell them to stop gossiping.

This is going to be fun :) 


  1. Super excited for you! Praying! Keep the comments coming...

  2. Good job. Keep up the good work.

  3. ...could you feel them...could you? prayers that were there waiting for you...they were in the pick up truck...and when you eat the kool-aid pickle they will be there...they will be there too when you finally play basketball(all things are possible through Christ you know)...and they will be there in the eyes of all those precious little ones when they see Jesus in you...i love you...hugs and blessings...and a great big western sky filled with prayers...elaine/ccww


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