"Not all who wander are lost."

What a day. What. a. day.

Today I had a lot of joy. It was busy as I finished my assignments and got ready for going home tomorrow but there was such happiness in my relationships today. The first joy was getting to talk to my brother who is in Ecuador for a few weeks. Having never been on this side of a Skype call (I have been the traveler of the family) I was amazed at technology and the joy of getting to see his face even though he was in a whole different country. To hear his stories, to see his joy and enthusiasm, it filled my whole heart. I know that traveling and experiencing the world can change a person and I am so pleased that he has been blessed with getting to see the world in a different light. I felt like I was there with him and I look forward to the day when he and I get to roam the world together.

My poor parents. They now have two rogue children with wanderlust.

Then I just came back from sharing a special moment with a few Fuller friends of mine who are quite dear to my heart. It has been weird having to say good-bye to my new friends as I leave for the summer. I guess I kept resisting being so attached to them, but the truth is, I have become quite attached. So tonight I met with my "crew" and we sat in a courtyard in the dark and prayed for each other. I have to admit, we have never done this before, and I think I had forgotten how much corporate prayer can soothe the soul. It was such a blessing, realizing how far I have come with these four friends, and getting to be in prayer for each of them as we go separate ways for the summer. It makes everything different knowing that I am never truly alone on these wanderings of mine, and I praise God for that moment He gave us tonight to truly open our hearts to Him and each other.

Being in seminary, I think we might start praying for each other more often. :)

I know I might sound like a broken record, but life is good my friends. Yes, there is pain and sadness, and I have had my share of bad days, but God is so good. God is so good. And I never want us to forget this. He is sovereign and He is loving and He is gracious. How blessed we are.

Tomorrow night I fly back to the homeland and a whole other set of joys.
Summer adventure #1, here I come.


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